i feel sorry for leeds fans.......

Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by Ruth, Aug 15, 2003.

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  1. Ruth

    Ruth Registered User

    Sep 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Hoochie Mamma
    i feel sorry for leeds fans.......

    Know The Rules Of Peter Reid
    > Philip Cornwall's
    > </You_Say_We_say/Football365_Opinion/story_76829.shtml>
    > article suggests that Leeds United will do 'OK' this season. They may do,
    > but as a Sunderland fan still coming to terms with what Peter Reid did to
    > this club I thought I'd save Leeds fans a lot of evenings puzzling over
    > bizarre team selections and enquiring as to the whereabouts of
    > mysteriously disappeared players by enlightening you as to the workings of
    > the most cussed mind in football.
    > To make any sense of what lies before you over the next season you need to
    > know the rules:
    > Rule 1: He never forgives and never forgets.
    > Any player falling out with him is doomed. And won't be picked. Ever
    > again. That is why Viduka will leave.
    > The interesting thing about the list of players Reid sent to Coventry (or
    > any other club which would have them) - Michael Bridges, Allan Johnston,
    > Nicky Summerbee, Chris Makin, Stefan Schwarz - is that, as well as having
    > strong opinions, they all could play.
    > Bridges was unhappy to be behind Danny Dichio in the striker pecking
    > order. Who wouldn't be? Response: sold to Leeds.
    > Schwarz, an international with almost 100 caps, questioned the training
    > methods (see below) in a meeting where players were invited to share their
    > opinions. Response: sent back to Sweden for a month to 'calm down' and
    > never started another game for Sunderland, even during the horrors of last
    > season.
    > But Reid NEVER seems to fall out with those players the fans would
    > actually like to see leave. In fact...
    > Rule 2: He likes who you don't.
    > Be prepared for one or two of Reidy's cheap summer signings to be
    > first-team certs long after you've realised that they can't actually play
    > very much at all.
    > His love affair with Kevin Kilbane at Sunderland made the goings-on
    > between Posh and Becks look like a one-off knee trembler in a Manchester
    > chippie.
    > Everyone in the ground knew the lad couldn't do it on the pitch but week
    > after week, even after he gave fans the fingers in a pre-season friendly,
    > he was out there passing to the opposition, running the ball into touch
    > and crossing into the crowd. On a good day.
    > The reason for the loyalty: Reid had sold Allan Johnston against the fan's
    > wishes. Kilbane was Johnston's replacement. To drop Kilbane would be to
    > admit that he was wrong. He will never do this - because he is the boss
    > and you, the fans, know nothing. Which leads us to....
    > Rule 3: He doesn't like who you like.
    > Take care in end-of-season polls because he likes nothing more than to
    > show the paying public that they know bugger all about football.
    > Two seasons ago Don Hutchison was voted Sunderland's player of the season.
    > Reidy sold him within three weeks - and we fell from 7th to 17th. The
    > season before last Jody Craddock got the vote. Two weeks later it was
    > announced that Craddock was fourth-choice centre-back for the season ahead
    > - because of course we now had Phil Babb to keep out those nasty foreign
    > forwards.
    > He doesn't like being told who is good - so if I were you I'd make sure
    > next year's Leeds player of the season vote goes to the bloke you most
    > want to see out of the door. Nick Barmby, for example.
    > Rule 4: Don't hold your breath at set-pieces.
    > When Reidy took over at Leeds I thought that the one thing that might save
    > him was that at least he had good coaches there. Within a month he had
    > sacked Brian Kidd and Eddie Gray.
    > The quality of first-team coaching at Sunderland was laughable, but I've
    > heard that Reidy's old mucker Adrian Heath has been spotted at Leeds. So
    > the two men who bought, managed and trained the worst team in Premiership
    > history are back together. Be afraid, be very afraid.
    > Training sessions at Sunderland consisted of three main exercises: head
    > tennis, kicking the ball miles up in the air straight above you and then
    > catching it on your instep (something which of course happens all the time
    > in the heat of the action), and competitions where you had to chip the
    > ball against the bar before you could go in for a shower (chipping it
    > UNDER the bar might have been a more useful training exercise).
    > Don't expect pre-planning at free kicks and corners, although there is a
    > neat little plan at throw-ins which sometimes sees you at least getting
    > the ball back for a second or two before it is struck like a bullet
    > towards the opposition's corner flag. Set pieces are for girls - Reidy
    > wants his team to 'get into the opposition's faces', which is why...
    > Rule 5: Foreign players are shite.
    > Because they don't like this 'getting into the faces' thing. If he didn't
    > like foreign players before he started buying them (during his last two
    > desperate years at Sunderland) the ones he did buy certainly did their
    > best to prove his initial fears were justified.
    > Sunderland had a reputation for not spending money but that was because
    > the team Reid picked week after week didn't actually cost much by modern
    > standards. But the reserve team cost a bloody fortune.
    > Carsten Fredgaard - £1.75m - two appearances - no goals.
    > Milton Nunez - £1.8m - no starts,no goals and a failed law suit because he
    > didn't actually play for the team we thought we'd signed him from.
    > Nicholas Medina - £3.5m - no appearances in two years but a very nice 80s
    > haircut.
    > Lilian Laslandes - £3.5m - no goals and a massive row with Reid about
    > being French.
    > So a popular ploy of Reidy over the last two years has been to take
    > foreign types on trial for a couple of weeks to see if they are any good.
    > They're usually not and he sends them packing, probably seeing it as doing
    > his bit for the asylum problem. It's no real way to attract major European
    > stars is it?
    > If Leeds possess any Johnny Foreigners who think football is about flair
    > and who like to speak in their native tongue (foreign languages were
    > banned in the Sunderland dressing room) they might as well pack their bags
    > now because when the going gets tough, they'll get the blame.
    > Hope this helps. Have a good season. We'll have a desperate one at
    > Sunderland, but Reidy won't blame himself for that. Because he thinks he
    > did nothing wrong. Oh, and enjoy that little thing at throw-ins - because
    > it's all you're going to get. Get into their faces!
    > Suicidal, Tyne And Wear

    this was sent to leeds by a sunderland fan!!! :lol:
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    not only am i left handed... i now don't have much to look forward to in the upcoming footie season. not only do sky sports wanna charge me extra to watch footie, but any games i do get - will be shite cause of peter reid. poor poor leeds. it really does test your loyalty!
  4. spud693

    spud693 Registered User

    Feb 4, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Out in the sticks cool as fukk gang! :)
    that's quite fookin good :lol:

    not for leeds, but maybe ur board will see sense and him packing once he fucks up...

  5. Ruth

    Ruth Registered User

    Sep 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Hoochie Mamma
    aww bless ya...take it ur a leeds fan? i really feel for ya...you have a canny shite manager & your board is selling you's out at every opportunity!!! :(

  6. iamian

    iamian Registered User

    Dec 26, 2002
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    Auckland, NZ
    its good isn't it :D

    dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty leeds... :monkey:

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