i drew a pic of sunny d north today i got a bit bored at work cos my comp wasn't working so i decided to draw a picture about my memories from Sundissential North on Sunday (my first sunny d). hope you like it - people from top left to bottom right are: kid, biatch, crasherbear, hoover girl, potato-masher-man, steve'n'e, curtis (whilst spazzed) and myself.
ahem... that was a complete accident... :spangled: my pencil slipped... uh... i'm long sighted... umm... oh who cares yeah i thought i drew them quite well
lol, i would be flattered if had drawn my boobies like that, i would also think u needed ure eyes checked tho
well i'll put you on my Promise september 13th pic and draw you some unfeasibly huge ones if you like? my memory might be kinda hazy though so don't blame me if they end up looking like space hoppers :groovy:
lol...minted mate. you got hoover girl and steve'n'E looking perfect! well dun. lovely, cuddely AND and artist! i have a feeling it shudnt b me and kid doing these design courses!
aww thanks everyone :groovy: i was thinkin of making this a regular thing after every time i go out, so next up - FutureVibe! Look out for lots of people in tracksuits getting their heads stomped on
heheheh cheers mate (about the sig + avatar bit) you're probably right about me needing to get a life, like... but then that wouldn't be half as much fun would it? :groovy:
dave - u shud have that check the pe*** sample in ur sig m8.. v foony u got the sundiss pix on ur webpage yet?.. whats the address again
waitin' for one more film to come back then gonna get them all put up ch ch ch check the p-nis! ch ch ch check the p-nis!
aiii it is! lots of tracks like that one on on saturday night! i tried to ring ya when the Legacy rip was on so you could hear it and be annoyed, but Brown mixed out of it before i had chance to speaktya