I could have travelled half way round the world... In the same time it took me to get from Newcastle to London over night! 11hrs on a train... I ve just got in Im off to bed, but what a weekend!
Re: I could have travelled half way round the world... It was a fucking top weekend! was gud to c u up north again ken. after promise was so funny have not laughed that much in ages!
Re: Re: I could have travelled half way round the world... It was one of the best nights Ive had in ages! I need a copy of that video cos I was asleep when Kerry put it on. Think it'll be a bit scary seeing the state I was in!
Re: Re: Re: I could have travelled half way round the world... the video is so funny! could not stop laughing when i watched it!
Re: Re: Re: Re: I could have travelled half way round the world... Hogg says I dont want to see it! Think you all woke me up cos yous were laughing so much when it was on!
power lines came down or something, i ve just woken up... what a weekend though, Kerry can i have a copy of that vid please Jambon.. Ta mate, i m well happy, shes best thing thats happened to me for long time "Whats in your mind ken?" "Nothing, its all shit "
Twas gud sein ya'll again. Glad 2 see ur smilin again ken.She's obviously doin sumtin rite. Thanku to all who were hosts 2 us over the w/e. Was much appreciated.