huddersfield??????!!!!!!! am currently in this place, totally weird.... drove down at 5:30 this morning to promote a club night.... everythin sorted but now i'm fucked.... too much drink, too much of the other stuff and have had to come back to ma mates house coz am too wrecked........ think i'm goin mad.... totally unstable..... want my mummy!!!
Re: huddersfield??????!!!!!!! lol its a fucking flea pit.. i used to live there what club where u promoting at? non or beyond beach babylon? or visage (scruf)
Re: Re: huddersfield??????!!!!!!! nowt special..... just at union... but hopefully its the start of bigger and better things....... got one at revolution down here next month! and ya right.... it is a flea pit.... gettin itschy....lmfao!