hows this to pi$$ u off..... After a lengthy session on the !pop!...since friday...after promise...i drink all day and party all nite what is my come home 20 mins ago, drenched after a "freak downpour", which only seemed to rain on me, I only wantd to jump into bed and curl up in my duvet. DUVET - what duvet? oh the one mummy decided to wash last nite. DOH now ive gotta sit up here til it dries. I shud see some sleep around 9am. bastard. *GlitterAngel - Me and NorthEastMagic tried l%kin 4u on friday in ya pink nd black gear but we cudnt find ya...sayin that it was pretty me$$y on firday...I lost the power of speech completley...Whoever that blonde haird cute l%kin lass was who sat herself down nxt to me(FUNKY T-shirt) cheers for chillin wif us-i was fcukd.