Hows this for frendship? Gemma says: hiya Nass says: hey Gemma says: wot u bin up 2 Nass says: nowt much u? Gemma says: well my mate got lifted at dinna and arrested it was fuckin mint Nass says: great
YYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Gems crazzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EvErYoNE kNoWs tHaT!!!!!!!!!!!! It would have probably been cany mad though!!!!!! Hows you hun anyway??????????:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
I'm fine, talking to some little raji who I don't know (honest) on MSN who thinks its funny when her mates get arrested
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! Well maybee shes just fucked up!!!!!!!!!! Maybee not!!!! TTTTTTTEEEEEEHHHHE!!!!
AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEE!!!!!!! Bless ya hun!!!!!!!!! Are ya still coming to the cottage on friday!!!!!!! Hu hU are ya are ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angel: :angel: :angel:
IM SICK!!!!!!!!!!!! Still at work been here since 7:30!!!!!!!! I wana go home!!!!!!!!!!! Gota go swimming then bums and tums yet!!!! Pain is beauty and all that shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angel: :angel: :angel: