WHAT A TIT I AM!!! My m8 rang at 10am to which i was fast asleep, he left a sms saying yoiu nob i cudnt make it to the match i was offering you my ticket!!!
Thanx hun, knew i cud rely on u as a shoulder to cry on lol Im going up to meet them to get trollied anyways, doesnt really compare does it lol
Good result indeed! Missed it unfortunately cos i just didnt have the will to drag meself down to the pub.
Was quite a good match, shame I missed the first goal cause I was at the bog, oh well. Bernard's goal was sheer class and Hugo V is fooking brilliant, the new Luis Figo me think's. I can't understand why the atmosphere was not as good today as it was for the Arsenal match, this game was just as important, if not more so, it almost guarantee's our participation in next season's Champion League.
Sorry I never knew that we had to use correct grammer on this board. Message to myself - Must Try Harder!