How was your weekend? Mine was pretty sweet, went down to Brighton to see Jules (Joe's sis) and just had a quality night/day, didnt do a whole lot, just chatted for ages, also gettin out of London was something i ve not done for a while, and i could actullay taste the decent air, instead of the shitty smoke n piss of london. Had wicked fun trying to get there though (me and trains dont click, i ve spent 11hrs gettin from Newcastle back home on train before) and ended up arriving at 10pm instead of the 7:30 i thought i d manage, and as expected gettin home was just as much fun n games But it was worth it... oh and its sunny this morning, so im happy
My weekend was ace thanks On friday teatime Shaun and I decided to go to the Parlez-vous? launch in Leeds. Got to leeds at about 8.30, and went to Fabric for drinks and lovely house music. Saw these ace trannies that we met at Glasshouse a few weeks earlier (didn't speak to them, but the fact that we saw then was amusement enough) Went to parlez-vous? which we found fairly easily considering, the music was banging downstairs and marvellous upstairs. We danced lots, bumped into some ace mates who we ended up spending a lot of the evening with, chatted lots, had a brush with death with a bouncer went to the dodgyest afterparty ever and then went and sat in Mcdonalds for 3 hours, then went to a pub and them went home early saturday afternoon. The rest of the weekend was uneventful
had a great wkend this wkend, met a few new peeps but didnt go clubbin for the second weekend in a row!! it involved a scarface theme this weekend!! naughty was good, more people need to go down though!still a good place to have a laugh, chat, socialise and listen to trance on a saturday night!!! hopefully ill be out this weekend for mike and yves but it doesnt look good! dont get paid til next monday, what a bastard!!! claire i might see u if u go to crasher for armin only, probs be stayin at my mates flat, it will be good to meet u! if ur goin to yoji ill see u there!!! same goes with u doggie
had a good weekend, lots of drinking but im feeling the effects now!!!!, went to see mr bond on friday....NiCe set, but promise was dead!!!,drank through till saturday, had an indians, and played at sunday trading yeasterday!!!! all in all a good weekend just saving meself for the yoji nite now!!!!
I sadly didn't go to promise for the first time in ages, because I reluctantly agreed to be dragged off2, wait for it,..... Cuba Cuba, for a fuckn mosher night. OH DEAR!! I was treated to such 'tunes' such as Limp Bizkit 'Rolling' etc. and some really dodgy song at the end where they are seemed to vibrtate 100000times a second on the spot to right at the end which I was later told by an excited 14 year old was Blink182, and they play it every week at the end. think shall stick to Proimise in future!! Saturday had an amazing time at Shindig, X-press2 were quality, espec when played Donna Summer and SMOKE MACHINE = fantastic. was guna go to Hed Kandi on sunday but had been out every night since monday, and just fell asleep on the sofa
I had a good weekend at yours m8. Apart from when I fell asleep and you and Kel painted me face with Perma - Fuckin' - Tan. Had a laugh though. Pleased that the cd's got sorted aswell m8.
worked friday night. Spent sat day with g/f , just went for a walk round town. Worked sat night Spent sunday day with g/f , walked dog, done grocery shopping. Was at BBQ sunday night. Quite quiet really.
nowt too exciting....... just chilling fri... went shopping on sat then 4 a few bevies in the toon!!!! then wrorked sun!!
Went to the Toon Match which was good but apart from that it was SHITE for more than one reason and I still feel pissed off now !! :spangled:
got trashed and had a proper laugh at promise on fri, chopped down trees on sat, went to jesmond and got lashed on sat night, then spent sunday doing work and other cool stuff jesmond =