How to get to ClarksKitchen This is how you get to Clarki's.Mainly head for the A19 there are numbers on the map to pin point where places are. 1-My house 2-Clarki's 3-howdon metro 4-A19 Clarki's isnt on a main road,its in a little sort of side street,if you wnna call it that.If your getting a taxi,show him this map,coz he wont of heard of the place. Clarki's street:- Stephenson Street If you need any more help wiv directions let me know
Anyone who needs more exact directions from wherever they live can go to and enter 'Stephenson Street, Howdon' as the place where they are going to.
SORRY DUDE BUT THAT IS THE WRONG STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!1 for those ov u that will b gettin a taxi there the full addy is ;- the verne hotel potter street willington quay wallsend if any of u r havin trouble gettin there just give me or clarki a ring!!!!!!!!!!! clarkis numba is:-07734688016 an my numba is:-07765266082 c u all there an BRING A BOTTLE (OR 2):chill: :chill: :chill: :chill: :chill: