How Much........ Do all u peeps on the board spend a week on vinyl, cause threres alot of keen music lovers on this board and alot of u post regularly on the recent purachases thread!!!!, i dont usually spend weekly its more of a monthly thing due to me being paid then!!........last month i spent in the range of £100 to £150 so it wasnt that bad, got everything i was after and what about u guys????
i spend about 30 to 40 pound a week on vinyl, depending on whats out!! last weekend i spent about £80 on records!!! Got everything i wanted though!!!
i spend about £50 a week on records!! i dont have a job though so my student loan doesn't last very long as you can imagine!! ive got nearly 1000 tunes now and for someone who has never had a proper job, only part time ones as i've always been in college, uni etc, that isnt bad i dont think!!
dont know what i spend....i just buy what i want....have to stop myself sometimes this week, cos im skint! still got a massive list of tunes i need too.
you can do without food for a day!!but i dont think ive ever gone a day without listening to a tune!! if there's not enough good new tunes around in one week i just buy the odd classic!!
if the releases for a week are good, and I ve gone against my "stop buying vinyl" conscience, I ll spend about £70-100 a week, been vinyl shopping on tues and last night this week… tis dangerous, as theres about 4 decent shops around, all getting in slightly different stuff, or if a tune isnt in stock in one shop, i ll not admit defeat, and go to all the others...