How many spots constitue chicken pox? i have 6, and have been told it looks like chicken pox? Should i 1) seek medical advice 2) call the persons who said they are (my mother and girlfriend) massive liars 3) carry on with my work and forget about them ?
Re: How many spots constitue chicken pox? It doesnt matter how many there is, where are the spots? You dont need to seek medicl advice for chicken pox, just get some calamine(sp) lotion and dab it on the spots with cotton wool and you will be ok in a few weeks Edit - No don't call your mam a liar - Mams are always right
i've just been to see the nurse at work, who said she wasn't sure. but said i should go to docs because if there are i shouldn't be in work
why dont you buy some oxy products and if that doesent work then, go on embaressing illnesses and go ive got the clap
no, but she's not a proper nurse she isn't allowed to diagnose. she said herself she wasn't sure. i'm off to the walk in centre place in ten mins
Don't wanna worry you, but red spots are an early sign of HIV infection. I would get yourself down the GUM
Re: Re: How many spots constitue chicken pox? its definately chicken pox! i've been to the walk in place at the jury's in i've been sent home from work, buzzin
Re: Re: Re: How many spots constitue chicken pox? I really hope its not a 'full' dose, or you will certainly be buzzing when you are trying to remove your skin with a kitchen implement! not nice in adult years whatso!