How is Every1? I'm a little bit low at the mo and in no mood for debate so please can we be nice? How r u all and what have u been u 2?
Re: How is not bad thanks, feeling fairly canny considering it's monday morning. nice day though innit
I'm pretty good thanks, I had a mint weekend and my boss isn't in work today so that means I get to ease myself into the working week gradually
same here mate, but no chance of sneaking yem early for me. I'll be here til 5. That wasn't a good idea
Well thats no good! U should treat ur body like its always very fragile and when ur older your body will thank u 4 it! get well soon!
Re: How is im fine, thanks 4 asking babe. been on a weekend bender so it has been quality, met some chick, so all in all id say im ok. later.
Re: Re: Re: How is she was alrite, shes phoning me today so well just have to wait and see, and i was slightly pissed, i dont know where ive parked my fuckin car so that'll be fun trying to get it back, later dudette
Re: Re: Re: Re: How is I hope she is top quality totty and u didn't have beer goggles as thick as something very thick on!
I feel great!! oh the joys of going out and taking it easy!!! ive had a good few weeks of taking it easy, and i have to say, over the past 2 years, i dont think ive ever felt better on a monday morning!!! hahahaha @ all u ppl with cum downs!! not getting wrecked is the new getting wrecked.....dontcha know?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How is there is a strong possibility that i was indeed wearing my beer goggles, but i think she was alrite, fingers crossed. later