How Hot??? Omg, Ive been sunbathing in the garden for like half an hour and Im roasted!!! Its so hot Lovin it! For all you people sitting on here - Get ya self out in the sun! Its lovely.
our new flat doesn't have the best ventilation so it is still well hot and smokey from the party last night a quick bacon sandwich, tidy up then escape to the park is in line today!
Woke up with a massive hangover after drinkin absynth last night, forgot i had a hair appointment an hour after i woke up, left me mates feelin absolute cut, nice walk home from town in the sun..........sorted me out...................................well kinda
i didnt like it a bit like. not be touching that again in a hurry. That smoothie i made was lush though Apparently nicky woke up in his brothers bed this morning and didnt know where he was. couldnt even remember getting home
Just got back from Cyrus and my god that WAS hot, couldn't sit out at some points you could feel the sun burning your skin and I even had on factor 30 suncream!