How god it is to be.............. Alive at the min Just wanting to spread some more happiness in the world and a big thanks to Ade for keeping my brain from being so bored it stopped working. Oh and a quick apology if i have been a bit grumpy recently but tis cause i am trying to quit smoking and i has been a bit tetchy over the last week or so. PLUR Thats it really just wanted to say hello to the world and all that.
Ha i knew another one of these would bve coming up again soon from you. I think i will come round tonight and do smoething that will decrease your happiness back down to my level:evil: I BIENG GRUMPY
Alexa is coming over tonight so if you and jo are at a lose end then you's should pop over and we could watch a vid or summint.
Re: How god it is to be.............. what about all the local murders and the possibility of war ahead? I wound say this is so wonderful 2 b alive!
Roku (ben sims and mark broom) 6 decks, 2mixers, 2 cd players. 29th march would be nice but i cant afford it. but a certain billy nasty would be good if i have the pennies. (12/4/03) You up for it if ya have the pennies. And is that thumb print putting pressure on ya brain and making ya tetchy young mr thomas?
duncan=damocles life is mint man, no point worrying about wars n stuff.... i'm gonna get stocked up and if it happens i'm going out in a haze of glory :chill: :chill: :groovy:
But what if the horses r evil and dont want to play? And its actually the animals planning world domination, not george bush!
it aint the horses you wanna watch out for its the insects and snakes :evil: :evil: if insects developed a mass hive consciousness and decided to attack the human race we'd all be dead inside 24hrs and snakes are evil bastards too...... they kill 50,000 ppl a year worldwide!!! does any other animal come anywhere near this??? and some snakes eat crocodiles ffs!!! I cant think of anything else that eats crocodiles
glad you're happy, and glad I was able to stretch your mind a little! I love puzzles n riddles me. I'm still tho
THAT EXPLAINS ALOT!!! And y arent you happy!!! YOUR WITH ME MR! I could do alot better, but you... ... Im the best around I tell ya!!! Tee hee hee
I'm just living at the minute. Not really happy or unhappy to be alive. I'm just getting through it with looking forward to thing's that I have planned to do.