hehehe r u obsessed with these or what?!?!?!?! aint u the same one that was telling me 2 say RACECAR backwards 2?!
lol@phil - yip my head is now open for holidays and promise after parties... *warning it gets messy* lol yip it was me Marrissa I am the king of random facts! You gotsta admit - my facts is pretty impressive!
Theres deffinatly jelly cos its all a bit wibbley wobbley up there, wtheres also a chocolate milkshake jacuzzi and fire performmers in the ambient section of me head .... its completey free (I'm all for the old school free party vibe ).... We got squating rights on my head so the cops can't even shut us down Come one come all come play in my head!
Trying to eat a sponge space cake at an after party is the worst, couldnt even swallow my first bite, saved it for the morning and went and got some custurd, went down easier then...
right i know im not the brightest fingy on ere but wot u all on about? i dont get the backwards fingy?
Its like the thing where you get people to say "race car "backwards. Its just the same thing but people spend ages trying to work ir out