How does a petrol pump know to stop filling when your tank is full? As above. Ive always wondererd and cant work it out. :spangled:
when no more will go in and therefore the level of petrol in the pump wont be able to go down anymore which it will detect??
right, just my theory anyway, the petrol pump is losing petrol as it is being transferred to the cars tank,yep?, the volume of petrol in the cars tank is going up, till it's full, then it wont be able to receive any more petrol even if the pump is trying to pump it in, so the level of petrol in the pump will no longer be decreasing and is constant, there will be a detectioin device inside the pump which detects when the level is no longer decreasing, and then tells the pump to stop trying to pump it, so it stops?? i duno im just guessing mate, tell me about turnmills then anyway? Paul
Turnmills was fuckin class mate. Good club, good atmosphere and a crackin set from Timo. Now my next mission - go see Dave Seaman somewhere.
Yeah ive seen Seaman 3 times at Promise, but the last one was 14 months ago. And i hardly think were gonna be seeing him here again. I need my fix.
theres a things that detects when the petrol level reaches the end of the nozzle. so your tank is full.
Yeah Mr Revel is right there is a little bearing in the front of the nozzle which when lifted back from the tank being full knocks of the pump supplying the petrol! dont ask me how i know that!
it is actually stopped slightly before your tank is full of petrol as there will be petrol vapour in the tank aswell. as the tank is filled the vapour is compressed and as such its pressure is increased, this is why sometimes a petrol pump clicks out before your tank is full, due to a valve on the end of the pump which clicks out when the pressure is too high. therefore it won't let you put any more petrol in when the tank is full.