how do i get rid of this .................. ive ran all virus and spyware stuff i hav on my comp in safe mode loads of times and this one keeps poppin up bout every 5 mins sayin found and been deleted but obv it hasnt and really annoyin me when it keeps poppin up :evil: i cant find it on my comp either to delete it myself??? anyone know how i can get rid of it of wot it is? virus name: W32/Furootkit.B@tool infected file: C:\Documents and Settings\claire\msdirectx.sys
have you got system restore turned on???If you have turn it off then run your virus scanning programs
Right click on 'My Computer' and goto properties and then click the system restore tab. Tick the box to turn it off and reboot your computer.
i havnt got a system restore tab ive got full control modify read and execute read write is it any of them??
W32/Furootkit.B@tool is a worm.. therefore running spyware cleaners will not solve the problem.. Use Trendmicro Homecall to do an online scan. Also.. u have to run this through internet explorer.. and you'll have to accept an active x change in the registry..
I think you've clicked on a shortcut for my computer and went to properties and then security? Try clicking start then look for my computer there, then follow my instructions as above.
Mine doesnt at home, or at work on either machine, it just gives me shortcut properties instead, so im guessing hers is the same judging by the security tab she found
XP Pro SP2 but everything is disabled and it looks and runs like windows 98 without the BSOD (kinda defeats the purpose of running XP)
ok i tried both of them last nite and it still comes back? makes the comp freeze sometimes and stops internet working its really annoyin :evil:
You've got 2 choices then, ask a mate who knows about computers to come round and delete it for ya or format ya hard drive and get rid of everything
dont know how u format a hard drive and i dont like the idea of gettin rid of everythin so will get someone round if i can to sort it