How do I burn this cd? I downloaded something but the disk isn't as a bin or iso so i'm not sure how to burn it. All the files are visible and useable as they are when you view the contents of a cd rom. Do I need to make it into a bin or iso before i burn it or do i drag n drop it all? Cheers
All the files haven't been made into a bin or an iso. I downloaded a rar and extracted it but I'm not sure if I'll have to make them all into a bin or ISO before burning or if its ok to just drag them all onto a disk as they are atm.
hhmm.... u could try it - just burn a CD.. dunno if it'll work... use something like Alcohol 120% to mount the files as an image - saves burning a disk that doesn't work
already downloading it.. shame my torrent downloads slow any other downloading right down tho. god i hate torrents so slow and shitty
un rar them to your desktop and tell me what tipe of file they are, only then will anyone know what to do with them
I'm giving off the wrong impression here. I dont have any trouble identifying the types of files etc and what they're for, I just dont know how i should go about burning them to disk. After trial and error methods i've decided i need to mount all the files as some kind of image before burning them. Any idea how to do this? In alcohol when i goto image making wizard it only seems to do do cd backups etc and wont let me specify files on my hdd.
Use Nero and just choose the CDRom (ISO) option and drag the files into there. Sometimes you have to name the cd the same as the original game cd's say for example SOF2.1 and SOF2.2 for relevant disks but generally will work without the above.
I did that only i didnt name the disks the same.. Would work if only it recognised that cd2 was in the drive when it asks for it half way through the install I'll try it with the correct disk names if I can find out what they are exactly. Cheers.