How did... You 1st discover Promise? For me it was back in 2000 when i'd just discovered Judge Jules, i found out he was on in Newcastle and got someone to book some tickets for me. Had never heard of Promise or Foundation back then tbh. When i think about it i still have those tickets in a scrap book somewhere, the one and only time i've ever seen tickets for a Promise Gig
My ex got me into the music and we were due to go to magaluf on the Saturday and all his mates were going to see Judge Jules so I thought why not let's go and we all went. That was in June 2003
i was really into my prog at the time, id been to shindig a couple of times so promise was the next step my first was matt hardwick/guy ornadel, january 2001 and also notable for my mate thinking he was so cool and could handle his substances, and then throwing up all down my t-shirt:evil:
ahh, the days of jimmy van M, chris fortier, rowan blades, parks n wilson et al...seems a long time ago!
I moved down here in March 2000 and went for the first time about September 2000 , used to really enjoy it back in the old days until it sold out *runs
god i really cant remember im sure was someone like hybrid or seb fontaine :think: was ages ago tho, im sure graham will b able to remember who was on when we first went coz was back in his sober days
This lad i use to work with mentioned it to me back 2001ish. I use to go clubbing in S\land with my ex natalie and Mick to a place called chambers, which played house, trance etc.. Then on a staff night out John who i worked with asked me if i fancied it! So i went! Can't remember much :spangled: John 00 Flemming was on i remember that. Then i took mick and natalie the week after! and never looked back since
I think the first proper night i had in Foundation was before Promise when upstairs used to be a cafe or summit am sure on a rock/hippy night ?!?!? I dunno how the fuck i got in then , after that it was all good wi Promise being on and i used to go see the likes of Dave Seaman / Parks & Wilson / Tyrant SS / Nick Warren / Robbie Nelson - i remem when Matt Hardwick was a weekly resident as well altho i didnt go see him as much as id wanted too at the time cos me mates were on and off about where they used to go
I'd posted on Gurn for ages. Glitter Angel (Kerry) did too, she was forever bugging me to join this board (which Im very glad she did) so one day I registered. Then a few weeks later I met Joe and I went to Promise for the first time.
i got dragged along august/sep 2003... enjoyed it. was into trance when i was younger but never used to go out to those nights.
July 2002 - think it was Corvin Dalek & Hardwick... went along with juski and a mate from work to celebrate: a) my birthday and b) being sacked from trades