how come there are so many people that have registered for this board but have never posted i think its time for you all to come out of the woodwork and make yourselfs known!!!!!!!!!!! but i bet no one listens to me (nobody ever does)
see i told you everyone would ignore me *sings* nobody likes me, everybody hates me, so im going to eat some worms...........
This is a loooooooooooccccccccaaaaaalllllllllll board for loooooooooooccccccccccaaaaaaaaaaallllllll people!!!!!!!!!
i just remember sparky and marrisa singing it one night after crasher on the bus home!!!!! total out of the blus they just started singing it. i was in stitches
I total forgot about it tbh. We used to sing it on the bus on the old school trips to allendale etc. Lee-I didn't and dont eat worms, just ya mams pussy