how can i get one of my mixes online?! hey.. at the mo im outputing my mixes out onto my mini disc and stuff.. im just wondering if anyone on here knows how i cud get one of em online sumhow?!.. cos i dont have a clue
??? are u wantin them onto your ownsite or just available for others on the net through a similar system like napster?
well first u need to get ur mix from MD to ur computer. for this u need a cable such as a 3.5mm to 3.5 mm (note. this goes into your line in not ur mic socket) . unless ur sound card has optical input and then you could just use the optical lead that came with ur MD. once uve got the two connected ull need some sort of software to record it onto your PC. try it automatically finds track gaps (this can be turned off) this software will record onto your computer in.WAV format and this is far to big to use on the net. not many computers can encode MP3s in real time so u first record it as a WAV and then convert that into a MP3. use this : to convert from Wav to MP3. once this is done, if you want to share it on the net you can just add it to your shared folder in kazaa etc. or if you want to publish it onto a web server just PM me and ill be able to sort you out with some free web space. neil
cheers mate!!! ive got both cables... so i'll get on iwth gettin that software and let u know when my mix is online
sorry mate, havent been on the forum for a while. try this one : if you need any more help emial me at
This is quite longwinded but it's the best way to do them (sound quality wise). I copy the MD on to a CD using a cd hifi burner through an optical link. This gives you a perfect digital copy of the MD. I then use a program called CDDA MP3 RIPPER (use google to find it) to rip the cd into a mp3 file. Yes, you need a hifi CD burner to do it this way but the sound is the best you can get (that I have found).