Hot Duno bout newhere else but it was luurrvly and hot up in bonny Edinburgh 2day. The skimpy clothes are already makin an apearance
yeah it's been lovely here too Just recently there have been a few days where the sun has been out, but today was the first day you could actually feel any warmth from it. It was lovely
I had my first sunroof open, windows down drive at lunchtime. It's so much better driving in summer. I'll not be saying that when I'm stuck in traffic, 25 degrees and no aircon.
Re: Hot It aint so hot down in Newcastle though, so keep yourself covered up on the 4th, thank you very much! Nah it looked pretty sunny today, was fookin freezin tho!
yea, it didnt look too bad this morning. shame i felt like shit :spangled: i wouldnt rely on it feeling as nice as it looked though. :groovy:
what a fool i was today! i was in that much of a rush to go to town i ended up wearin dark clothes! and i forgot to put deodrant on! fuck me i was sweatin walkin round town! that was quite pointless really but im quite pissed now! drowning my sorrows! better luck to the toon next time
don't we all!! but how likely is it to happen........ i just wish this global warming wud hurry up then it'd b ded hot in the summer!!!
You've got the right idea I'm going to spray lots of things. Surely it'll get warmer if we get rid of the ozone layer altogether