Hot off the press! Jane's end of university thingy. Well done!
lol 2 rite i do!!... im just sat here with my hands in the air!! i'll have 2 read that diss' sumtime tho.. cos ive got one 2 do in 4 months time
Love the quote: In the beginning there was only stillness. And the Lord God said let there be dancing. Lo, there was dancing, betwixt Adam and Eve. And the Lord could do fuck all about it.
What I have read so far (really like the Acknowledgements) is really good, excellent work, well done!
wikid so far! im daan saaf now and have plenty of time on me hands to read it....this will be this evenings project!
I have just read chapter 3 and will get around to the rest later but from what i read i was very impressed. If i was marking it i wouldn't have a clue what to give it but i do think it was superb. I look forward to finishing it later. *claps*
will be reading this in bed tonite jane!!!! will let you know what i think when ive finished it. but from the effort you have put in it cant be anything but good!
fank u fank u! cheers lads and lasses! have been avoiding 'pooters for the last week or so after several 12 hour marathons finishing the fooking thing off! however, it over, im off to 'Biza in a week-ish, I'll see u all when (and if) i make it back
I've skimmed it, and looks well good, i'll read it more later... Ha! Told ya that funky gibbons were just ripping off punk iconography, mohawks, safety pins, ripped clothes... How to be a try-hard and a loser in one go!