Thought the first one was'nt that good considering the hype it got, it was like a film called "surviving the game" with ICE-T in it that was done years ago, they enrolled homeless people as supposed guides for hunting party's in that went out into the middle of knowwhere to hunt animals, but when they got there they found out after the firstnight it was actually themselves that were getting hunted and of course being homeless nobody missed them. I thought it was a better film then hostel actually
Me and Mick watched first one last weekend, biggest pile of wank ever! Mick is never going to let me choose a film again
i liked watching the first one, n would deffo go n see the second, but i must admit that there wasnt really much story line 2 it
Yeah, I thought it started off like shite soft porn....ahem, allegedly that's what shite soft porn looks like...... I've heard.