hospitals in newcastle i need pain relief and treatment, i need it for free, therefore i need to go to a hospital, but i seem toremeber u cant go to just ne1...which one has the walk in thing? and which has an A&E? and where are they situated? I'm in so much pain i just want to be dead.
You can, theres a WALK IN A&E in the General hopspital in Fenham. I went there when I broke my fist on someones face. Its really good, I got seen in 5 minutes.... its like a fast track thing. You can go for anything too... you got back strain again?
Just cos you go to a hospital doesnt mean you'll get treatment for free, if you require a prescription & normally pay for em, then you might have to pay @ the hospital, or they will bill you in the post. Call NHS Direct, they'll sort ya out wiv the best place to go, or might sort u out with an out of hours GP clinic, save u sittin in A&E for hours! 0845 46 47
I work in A&E. It is an EMERGENCY department and should only be used as a last resort in a medical emergency. The reason people wait for hours in A&E is cos half the people in the waiting room shouldnt be there, they should have gone to their GP / Pharmacy etc etc.
i jus got my free nhs stuff thing thru the post this week, may be the last time i can get one so i'm gonna abuse it the next few weeks... siight test (with i need cos of the star wars thing) doctors (can't sleep) dentist (haven't been since i came to uni) gonna get it all done while its free
I thought students got free prescrptions You could try calling NHS Direct for advice 0845 4647. They're normally quite good at getting you into those type of centres
not all students. i was means tested, and it was decided that i am sufficiently well off to pay for my own.
i hate that, not really the same thing, but when i was at college pretty much every1 in my class was getting £80 every fortnight off the college, but because my parents are better off than most of theirs were, i wasnt getting anything. i was the only one in my class who was out worknig while i was at college, because my parents have more money than the rest of them, how does that make sense????