Honey Pot DJs? What do people think of Jon Doe, Billy Bunter, Spencer Freeland, Ali Wilson, Roosta and the other Honey Pot DJs? Cos I don’t think they play so much up north, but I reckon they d be wicked for Promise Hard…
Re: Honey Pot DJs? AGREED!!!!, Never seen any of the above play before, any good? prefer to see Sentience, Farley etc though!!!!!
Re: Re: Honey Pot DJs? I've seen Billy Bunter play a hardcore set years ago if that counts? Some of their productions are good. I would go and see them play!
Re: Re: Re: Honey Pot DJs? probably would meself m8!!!!......just to say a had seen them!!!! but i've heard to much hard house rots the brain!!!!!! Anyway jim u used to be a hardcore raver??????
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Honey Pot DJs? Fcking hell m8, never nu!!!!.........don't know how like!!!!, u'v got a nice collection of posters, whistles etc pinned to ya wall!!!!!!, never stopped to think!!!......
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Honey Pot DJs? Yup. Better than having posters of Bruan Adams and Gary Barlow on ya wall! (here we go again!!!)
Re: Honey Pot DJs? A Honey Pot night would be well good. Don't know how many would go to it tho! I've got Tasty mixed by Billy Bunter and Jon Doe. It's well good. Some of the stuff on it's pretty funky hard house.