Homepage Probs The other day when i re-started my PC the home page had changed to some luckysearch thing, something i have never seen before - anyways i searced for it on the HD and found the file and deleted it then changed me home page back to NUFC.com and everything was alreet ! Now today its been re-started again and again its back to that same fucking home page so again i have deleted it from the temporary internet files and changed it back ! Will this keep happening every time the PC gets closed down and re-started cos i am deleting the file every time and i am deleting the history,temp files, cookies etc Anyone able to help me - cheers !
dodgy fuckin spyware shit or sumthin m8 i reckons... get adaware... run it... see what it has to say....
Mine had that luckysearch shite on it for ages. nothing got rid of it except for getting a copy of norton antivirus.
Its been ok since i deleted the little termite that hid in me temp internet folder like I am on telewest broadband mate !
i deleted my cookies aint showed up yet but i had to change my homepage think all internet companies are having dodgy things happening atm. Unless it is internet explorer.