ahhhhhhh haaaaaaaa alan partridge stylee! Hia babe, i've not been up 2 much! Tidy weekend was oh so marvellous i'm still buzzin from it! I won tickets on Judge Jules last sat 2 go 2 heaton park manchester for this goodgreef n radio1 thingy. So i'm savin my self 4 that CANT FURKIN WAIT! what u been up 2 babe?
I heard Richie broke down on the way to the Tidy weekend.....bet you's were gutted! I've been bastard working all the time....but it'll be all worth it when I get to ibiza....I cant w8 4 Fergie on friday...I think I'm beginning to develope stalker tendencies....
I was once a stalker, of lisa lashes!!!! It was quite accidental tho. Everywhere i went when she was on i'd end up talking to her, strange!!!! Richie broke down on the way there and back but we wernt gutted it just added to the events of the weekend! I think dave n louise were gutted tho (god knows why i wernt them who broke down)!!!!