Help!!! The address bar at the top of my page has gone, it wasnt there when i opened up my computer this morning, where has it gone? i cant type any addresses in, im stuck on this web site forever now sum1 tell me how to fix it please!! (i know its in the wrong forum, but i need a quick response!!)
i'll also b greatful 4 help on this as my bar disappeared at home in sept/oct time & it still ain't come back........... it's a rite pain in the arse cos u gotta find sumwhere to b able to search 4 websites & it takes ages to get there....
got no address at the top, just got the favourites, media, refresh, all that stuff, but nowhere saying any address or anywhere to type it in my favourites arent even there any more, the tag is there, but when i go into it it says i have none saved, but i should have its doing my head in!
or right click on the top of the browser where the address bar should be, then put it back on from the menu that appears.
At the top, right click with your mouse and a tick menu should appear, click on the address bar one and it should come back
i didnt even have the file buttons or anything, but now they've all came back of their own accord, and everything is working fine thanx anyway