Help U know in ur user cp, next to ur signature it says HTML off ? on img Off ? on Is it not workin cos my img is OFF and if so how do i change it 2 ON, i've looked all over and cant find anything to change it!
I have a doll to put in my signature, and its not coming up when ive entered the code, ive checked the code and its ok and this img code OFF thing is the only thing i can think of. I did what u said anyway and it was on - Yes in options. Im beginning to give up hope.
rob might have turned it off, cant check sorry, but if its working... try: [img*] type exact url of image here inc. the .jpg or .gif [/img*] but remove the *s
have u got the right url of the image, cos when i clicked on the properties of the image, it went to a error screen...