Help How do i put a photo beneath my name from my e-mail inbox? They r J Pegs but i aiint got a clue how to get it up!
ill tell you coz im nice easiest way would be to save the picture in "my documents" when you make a post, at the bottom you will see "Attatch File" with a "browse" button next to it, click browse, search for the photo in "my documents", double click the photo, and then type out your post, click submit, and hey presto, you have an attatched picture
lulu - i met yo in the toilets at the dj comp once, not sure if you know who i am, but me, you and crasherbiatch were talking about boobs
i always seem to manage to walk in mid way thru u & heather having a convo........ i always end up thinking wtf??!!?? which ain't surprising cos i'v emissed half of it........
*sticks head in* *see's the girls club that has formed* *realises im in the wrong toilets, walks out* :groovy:
Hi, i couldnt get the picture thing to work! I dont have my documents so i saved it to desktop! No picky appears below my name! Oh by the way its spelt Lindsay and i dont remember talking about boobs in any toilets! which heat was it? what do u look like?