help! me m8 has signed up 2 this site, but it wnt let him post threads or anythin. he got the e-mail but it still isnt wrkin. any1 know wot 2 do?
yup they are! well most of them are..they claim to b respectable lads n stuff but they're rooood perv's! but hello & stuff! :chill:
It is a nice way to nab a few newbies, I havent been on that site for years but I have happy memories of it
dunno, i think i hav met him b4, iv got sum pics off gg@tt n hes on sum. sum wot he posted on here im on 2
erm............... i fink it was 17th april. i had a skool uniform on. i luk propa scarey n off me head on your pics