Help!!! Does anyone know a way I can get to Holland (Amsterdam) EARLY saturday morning??? Need to get there before 10am - Say by about 9am really...... Needs to be CHEAP please Need to get to Dance Valley Messed up with times so didnt think I cud go cos had to be back at work but i *CAN* go now!!! Onl;y need to get there...have a ferry ticket to get back.. HELP ME PLZ
i was wondering why hte fuck you on the board like when i saw mozza and all them leave last night!!!!bummer!
Aye bummer I was stressin abt work - not gettin back in time - but its gonna be fine so now i NEEEEEEEEEED TO BE THERE!!!
need to be in amsterdam before 10 - dance valley starts then... so prob need to fly anywhere upto about 8am....
Try this it might be better for you...
Tried easyjet yeh - they dont fly from nucl Everythin seems to be touchin the £100 mark....not really wantin to pay that much. Shud av sorted earlier - my own fault!