Help wipe my work PC!!!

Discussion in 'Technology' started by French William, Sep 13, 2006.

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  1. French William

    French William _________________

    Oct 24, 2005
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    Help wipe my work PC!!!

    For reasons I can't be bothered to explain, I have to switich PCs with my boss.

    What is the most effective way to wipe/remove my presence on this PC??? I've not done anything massively untoward, but no one in the office can see my screen, so I've never been bothered about which sites or links I click on. I may be unnecessarily worried, but I'd work a bit easier if I thought I'd done as much as possible to clear any history etc.

    Need to do this in the next hour or so if possible.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Hoss

    Hoss Registered User

    Aug 7, 2006
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    obviously clear the history/cache/temp internet files first.

    also - go to and download the trail version of Window Washer - and run wash with "bleach" (this is easy to use, you will see what i mean)

    but, this doesnt mean things cant be traced, if you want to be really sure, you need to clear the index files.

    boot into safe mode with command prompt (press F8 before the "windows xp" screen) and login as local admin (ie, not onto the domain...although i dont think a domain is actually a choice in safe mode anyway) if you can, try "Administrator" with a blank password ....its pretty useless if you log in as you because it wont delete the current users index files because they will be in use.

    Then, at the command prompt, type:

    CD\ (to get to the root directory)

    then, at the root prompt:

    del index.dat /s

    this will delete ALL indexes

    then, when thats done, type shutdown -r to reboot the computer as normal.

    then its gone gone gone.
  4. French William

    French William _________________

    Oct 24, 2005
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    Thanks for that :up:

    Not sure I need to go to the lengths of wiping index files- my boss is no IT genius, I just don't want there to be anything obivous lying around that he could stumble across more by accident than anything else.

    Cheers though, will give Windows Washer a go :D

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