Help Please Got a new laptop which is on Vista its been working ok but tonight when i try and log onto facebook and a few other sites its playing up itl let me search for facebook on google, bring up the search options, then when i click on it it redirects me to an AOL search engine run any ideas???? Ive updated my virus software and thats is ok
Hm.... ill dig into my Human Hard Drive Brain lol what u want to do is, Restart your laptop, soon as it starts to load up press & KEEP pressing F8, itl then take u to a list of things to click, (in white writing) click Safemode, log in as admin, or your own account if it displays it, go to Control pannel, then find (Add or Remove Programs) remove anything that says Toolbar or Search Engine, coz u dont need any search toolbars on ur pc at all to be honnest lol so u can remove them all if theres any, they waste CPU usage. if that doesnt work giz a msg on here, and with ur authority ill go into ur pc and sort it for u from my pc ofcourse. good luck