Help Please - Decks for beginers? My sister is buying my nephew some decks for xmas, to be fair i'm not sure how much he's gonna use them, but she wants to know if she can get a package already made for a reasonable price? I thought HMV did like a learner package a few years back but cant find anything on thier site... Any advice peeps would be much appreciated TA VERY MUCH X:angel2:
Re: Help Please - Decks for beginers? HMV do the numark "DJ-in-a-box" packages which basically give you two decks, a mixer, a pair of headphones, carts, and all the leads you need to plug them together. For some bizarre reason you can't buy them on their site, but they still stock them in-store. Last time I checked we had some in at the MetroCentre, Newcastle should have some too. As well as that we do the ION cd player boxes (similar setup to the DJ-in-a-box but with CD Players). From what I've been told ION is just a numark budget name but I'm not too sure on them and I've not read any reviews. If you're going for vinyl decks I'd recommend the Numark 1610 decks (belt drive) or the 1625 decks (direct drive). As for CD players, DJstore are currently doing a killer deal on their Numark fusion players... You get two of them, plus the mixer, all the leads, and the carry case (which fits the lot inside it) for £199 (and free delivery.) The best advice I can give you is shop around... the competition between the DJ sites is fierce and most of them will price-match if you find it cheaper elsewhere. As far as brand names go, numark is great for beginners, so is most of the stanton stuff. Avoid Behringer, Kam, Citronic, Ministry of Sound, or any names you haven't heard of (because they're usually copies or badly put together.) Hope this helps
decks My first decks were the numark battlepack ones. Basically got two direct drive decks (dont get belt drive, there crap), a mixer, headphones and a pair of speakers which all connected up very easily and ready to use within 30mins. Its a good starter package!
just buy good decks straight away everyones loves mixing and ends up buying good ones so why waste your money.
Yeh, thats the best way to do it but if you aint got the money then your stuffed really. I started on a budget pack and now I have SL1210 Mk5s, if you can afford go for the best!
At the same time, what if the kid who you're buying them for finds out he doesn't like DJing? You're left with two extremely large paperweights If he does take to them then it gives him room to learn the ropes.... Besides the 1625 is a decent starting deck, it has load of torque... Beginners equipment has gone up loads in terms of features/usability in the last few years...
bullshit i know loads of people who bought decks and used them about 5 times and they are now sitting there doing nowt Anyway starting off on good decks is cheating..everyone should learn how to mix on a pair of rubbish 10 year old Soundlabs which hardly work. Will make you a much better mixer in the long run (especially when it comes to playing in rubbish venues where the decks hardly work)
exactly used them five times so they can't mix can they, i said everyone loves mixing, so therefore if you learn to mix before you throw away your decks you will never stop.
Alex, to be fair, Cassie said she didn't know if the kid was going to use them or not, in her (or her mate's) shoes, would you splash out £1200 on a pair of vestax or buy a pair of £300 numarks? Beginnner's kit is beginner's kit for a reason, it helps you to learn how to play... My first few regular gigs out and around consett bars were on the shittest KAM cd players you've ever seen and a pair of Numark 1510 belt drive decks... When you can play with the worst gear available (and believe me this stuff was shit) it makes you so much better on the high end decks. It doesn't matter how good the equipment is anyway, if the person doesn't have the willpower to learn they won't pick it up...
yeha i know what you mean but i totally regret wasting my money on shit decks, wish i just bought good ones straight away and saved myself money.
You get used to the decks you own/use the most. I had a pair of KAM decks to start with. Belt drives...I learned the ropes on them and could use them quite well and make half decent mix CDs given the experience I had (well, lack of at the time) However, I moved onto Vestax and then Techs...and there is no chance you could just walk into a bar with the shittest decks on the market and be able to play a decent set, its got nowt to do with how good you are either IMO, more to do with the fact its crap gear.