Help all ebay sellers?!?!?! Am selling something on ebay under slashs ebay account but it is my credit card details registered and paying under his account. Have got Paylpay as required payment and it says on ebay that payment notice will be sent to his registered email address but his paypal account is also registered in my name under my email address with my credit card So how do i make sure it will go into the paypal account if it goes to his email address!!! Dunno if all that makes sense but i've never sold anything on there b4 so not sure how it works
so if he hasn't got a paypal account in his email address name then i'll have to set one up before the bidding has ended before we can accept payment?
Have you got a paypal account? If so, you can just add his email as another email on your paypal account. I have three e-mail address connected to my account. That way, whenever anyone pays money to those addresses, it goes into the one account. However, if I am reading what you are saying correctly, you should still get the money as it stands as long as ur email address is listed as the paypal payment address in his ebay listing.