theres not enough categories in the poll tbf. I would vote, "i think there are some unresolved issues going on in your life" but I havent met you so dont want to be presumptious
does this relate to a specific incident today or just a general summary of your board membership? I'm confused..
dont hate u as i dont know u to hate, dont like u cause i dont know u to like, dont make presumptions about people but i think you've been out of order on more than one occasion, but tbf i doesnt really affect me so...... bit stupid this thread btw, whats the point.
we'll all be guilty if she goes and commits suicide if the poll hammers her. she 's already got 25% hating her. thats canny hight like, altho i'd probably get 90%
yikes hate = 33% now and rising tbf not many people i've met off here are anything like their board persona. a lot of people use them as a front. but in this instance I think she has just had her brain fried by someone she really liked but its been aired severalmillion times on a message board
one of the votes for 'hate her' is me. but im fine with that. Im seeing people about that stuff. Its just i was on the board, i fucked up and left, i came back under another name, i fucked up and was banned, ive coem back under the same name and ive fucked up again. Just want to know weather theres any point in me. and yeahBUTnoBUT, not gonna try and commit suicide. Been there, done that, martin didnt give a shit then either. And i do have many many unresolved issues. But im seeing people, ive cut my little sister out of my life for a while, Im drinking slightly less, not done anything but :chill: since september, i am trying to resolve them...mind you, with the main person of my problems not speaking to me, they are hard to resolve. Anyhow, Seeing as this poll is going SO well, lets try and get some love votes, te people who dont know me, ask me some questions and try and get to know me better.
Get ya chin up man, life is for living not moping about cause a lad has moved on, get yourself out there meet new people, most of all just get a smile back on your face cause being miserable is fucking shite
I dont know you , never met you and dont know what youve supposed to have done to upset people or anything like that. By the sounds of what you have been saying though ... it sounds like you have been drinking a lot (forgive me if im wrong) and by :chill: do you mean ******** you know .. ? have you been drinking a lot to forget about anything ? if this is so then a little bit of advice : If you have been doing stuff to forget about something then yeah .. when you drink etc it helps you forget about whatever it is .. but when your not under the influence it comes back, sometimes harder as too much drinking to forget ends up in you feeling a little under the weather or depressed .. this makes whatever it is seem a whole lot worse .. this + :chill: ( if ive guessed right ) is a gateway to the thinking train which in turn makes you feel worse if your mind is constantly working on it. Forgive me if i have took what you have said in this thread the wrong way ...
Im a chubby, single, self harming, pessimistic, clinically depressed 21 yr old female with very few friends, a job that barely payes my rent, a land lord who believes its ok to just let himself into my flat at any time of the day...and i have a drink problem. I wonder.