have u ever took revenge on an ex?? a couple of years ago i was very tempted to put me ex at the time phone number on every phone box in newcastle after the stupid bitch cheated on me but i refrained
i've done a few evil things in my time i'm a sweet pea til you fuck me off & then i'm evil :evil: bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha
I've only got one ex and it's not really revenge but we'd booked up to go on holiday together, luckily I'd booked it all, we finished and I went through the process of trying to get the money back, which we could only get half back. However, i then found out he was actually seeing his best mates sister behind my back. Every time I tried to phone him regarding the money he either didn't answer or his new gf answered so he never got any money back and I ended up keeping it all Wasn't really revenge but I felt better not having lost out cos he couldn't keep his cock in his pants, don't think I have the heart to do anything nasty intentionally though, I'm far too nice to people and always end up doing what they want for them or doing things they'd like than doing nasty things no matter how mmuch they hurt me, which in many cases is a very bad trait to have
Re: have u ever took revenge on an ex?? oh no! Her life would have been OVER if you had done that!! Im sure you could have done better than that
Re: Re: have u ever took revenge on an ex?? it's have been funny, but there are better things you can do
Re: Re: Re: have u ever took revenge on an ex?? what, like photoshopping her face onto a pornstars body and projecting it onto the wall on both floors of a nightclub?
Re: Re: Re: Re: have u ever took revenge on an ex?? i forgot about that! :laugh: :laugh: i've done some mean things in my time
My ex trashed my car with paint stripper and wrote it off. I ended up a few hundred quid in profit after buying it back from the insurance company and get the repairs done cheap.
No. If you take revenge on someone, it just shows that they have won as they are still affecting you. Give it up and move on.
Ive done a few things to ex's a one that works is requesting loads of brochures via an internet seach engine and putting my ex's address down!!! obviously the more you request the better the revenge IMO.
I haven't done anything to take revenge on my ex's personally but i know someone who has.... my friend got loads of stuff on the net sent to his house including dog food and all sorts.... she ordered loads of freebies which also got sent to him She's done a few other things like signed him up for gay chat