Have I missed much? Well its been just over a year since I moved back to Ireland, have I missed many changes at foundation, is the crowd the same at promise nights, and hopefully the atmosphere is still as warm and friendly. Please tell me you are still chav free (almost) anyway. Need to get over for a night again. Still prog warm up sets?
Apparently the place is full of bellends who dance like tits now, there aren't anough up and coming DJ's on and every fucker wearing a cap is a charver. Not my opinion of course I think Promise is the best night in town by a long stretch. Nice to meet you
I've been known to 'dance like a tit' myself so i wouldn't worry about it. Good to hear you are enjoying what was one of my fav clubs while i was at uni.
It's the only place that i can rely on to give me a good night with music i love. None of this Blue Bamboo bollocks. Fair enough its full of cat but it's also packed full of nobbers. I'm debating whether or not i should goto promise next week before i get on my bus down to global at 7:30am. What to do what to do..
I'm debating whether or not i should goto promise next week before i get on my bus down to global at 7:30am. What to do what to do.. [/B][/QUOTE] i wouldnt personally, but some people can handle it ok
I did it before the M.E.N and i was hammered so I doubt i'll do it again. Although i'm thinking if i go there for the crack, sit down, relax and get warmed up i shouldn't be that bad afterwards. Keep off the drink nd whatever and I reckon i'll be ready for the weekend I just need to find somewhere close-by to have a shower nd change my clothes. Coming home would be a waste of £15 - £20 just to come straight back again. I need every penny I have for the rides, ice cream and beer(my plan..)
the sit down reloax and warm up part probs wont happen though, if your out like me you will end up shit faced and totally regretting it the next day, get yourself there if ya can do it like
I know the feeling lol. Maybe if i just take enough money out the bank to get in i'll be ok. I'm never one to use the £2-charge cash points inside clubs so i think if I sit down and relax I'll be ok. Saying that, I dunno how relaxing Yoji is gonna be
my place aint 2 far away.......as much as i love gettin :bonkers: there no way im goin to promise night b4, but if u do n need a place 2 crash u know where i live.
big :hug: for johntystar has been over a year since ive been to promise aswell. maybe one day ill come back.