Has the war put anything into perspective for you? ok, has the war really affected us siting here in the safty of our computer tables? is that reflected by some of the comments taking the piss out of the troops over in iraq. if the war was closer to use we might have different opinions. i'm behind the troops down there, but can someone explain to me how people can make comments degrading our lads that are down their risking their lives for political purposes?
Yeah It's had an impact on me due to the fact that a close friend is out there now. That's why I'm taking it seriously, I don't really think it's a joking matter
I have a few friends out there and get worried at times. You dont know what to believe from the things you see on tv though!
War should never be a joking matter, no matter if you know people involved or not. (Not saying you didn't take it seriously before though Claire ) I think we'll only see the real effects of war over the next few years, as the humanitarian issue and rebuilding Iraq unfolds, as well as any terrorist aspect that may be a by-product of the conflict.
Personally, its not really hit me that hard, i mean its not like finding it a funny matter or anything, but its just impossible to know whats really going on out there by what we get on tv/newpapers. I mean after watchin so many films, things like Full Metal Jacket, it kinda softens the blow for when something real like this happens, which definately is no good thing, cos at the moment, i can only feel deepest sympathy for those who ve been capture, i mean what if they ve seen or read Bravo Two Zero... Has anybody? I watched both the film and read the book, and ok, they thought Andy McNab was an Israeli, which is why he got treated as he was, but even so, it just shows what humans, like me and you are capable of... I ve got a really good friend out there, but shes "only" a Nurse with the TA, so i guess she ll be kept well back, but even so the fact that there maybe weapons of mass destruction out there scares the fuck outta me, and im sittin in my peaceful suburban neighbourhood, so god know what they re going through.