Has the attitude of clubland in general changed in your eyes? And if it has.... how? Are people more arrogant than they used to be or do you find places as friendly as ever!?! Discuss
Strangly i was talking about this yesterday. And we decided that certain clubs think they are way better than they are. And there are others which are great and they are very modest about it. For example Goodgreef is one of the best nights out in the country yet they don't seem to have any arrogence or "we are mightier than tho" attitude. Where as there are clubs who know they are good and act like pompus twats with cucumbers shoved up there arse's. And them there are the clubs who have an ok night yet they think they are the best thing since sliced bread. As shaun has said many times "Know your station" And when i say clubs i mean the regulars of the club not the promotional/managerial staff.
Re: Has the attitude of clubland in general changed in your eyes? I would like think I know a little bit and I wouldn't go to a club that had a lots of arrogant people!! I make friends where ever I go and it has been like that for the last 10years. So in my eyes it has never changed. Spence
It has gone more serious. People seem to associate themselves with types of music rather than just enjoying good tunes - whatever type they are. Also people seem more interested in a DJs mistakes than just having a good time
There's no denying MOST people take the whole clubbing thing more serious.But for me it is still night out with me mates. Some people live in a clubbing bubble there whole lives are shaped around some european trance Dj, they cant leave the house unless they have got there 'club brand' underpants on. The clubs that make it more serious are the so called 'FUN' clubs like Sundispinssential & Goodgreef. The punters who go to these places are brainwashed they enter as normal clubbers and when they come out they now think all other types of music are shit, all other clubs are shit, they even start making there own clothes and sticking a certain clubs logo on the front and then before you know it they getting two little people tattooed on there arse cheeks. I BETTER STOP NOW THE SPENCE
I'd deffo agree with that.... Plus I reckon that nights like Goodgreef have the 'fun' element they do because really they are run by clubbers, they know what people want and because they aren't run by the so-called superclubs, those that go there go because they like the place - not because of the name!