Has anyone seen that new kids TV programme... ...that's supposed to be the 'new Teletubbies' It's on at about 3.15pm on ITV.... it's called 'Boohbah' and it's well weird! Seriously, there's no wonder kids today grow up with issues! :spangled:
how is it we had cartoons like transformers, mask etc. all adventurous cartoon, yet now they get the all-imaginative-dumb-as-fuck teletubbies and tweenies that sit in a house all day singing songs... surely that is not educational!
OMFG... have you seen the website? http://www.boohbah.tv/ Trust me, its the most disturbing thing you'll see all day :spangled:
can i just say that program is amazing. it shud be repeated around 4am saturday morning for ket monkeys.... now that wud be fun *dribbles*
class, i made a mint tune with the bubbles better than half the tunes out at the mo *thinks about releasing it*