Hardwick Reading the new listings seen he is on with Corvin Dalek (July), Anne Savage (August). Nick Rafferty (September), Eddie Halliwell (October) Just wondering what the set times will be for these nights??Other than Corvin they are all harder DJs that are likely to be playing the later sets as it will suit their styles more. Although Matt can play a warm up set amazingly and as good as any other DJ in my opinion he is far better at closing the night. I just hope he wont be confined to playing the first few hours in all of these nights like he has down at Sheffield and the Summer Sound System In Trance We Trust
anne savage? nick rafferty?? kerry james was on last fri, r we seein promise comin out in a harder sound here?? not that im complainin
dont worry, i dont think iv ever heard matt do an early set in promise, he deserves to play last and he normally does. dont forget it was only a couple of yrs ago that hardwick played pretty hard himself (he did in crasher anyway).
I think a lot of DJs are branching out a bit more and not just playing one style the whole time. Lisa Lashes even plays in the funky room at Hotdog on occasion!
Rob put em on a thread on Friday, don't think many ppl saw it so I copied em onto this thread: http://www.promisealways.com/messages/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4615
@ Max Graham he was on early ish wasnt he ? Hardwick needs no reminding of what he is capable of of like - IMO he is the most underrated DJ in the world - yet it seems a certain club in Sheffield take the piss outa him !! Good to see Promise never shat on the bloke tho and if i was him id demand more later sets @ GC and also play twice a month @ Promise whethere its early ish or late set We shall all hail the lord when he retns
but even for max graham night he was amazing!!!silver bath, crimson soil, airwave and first rebirth!!!well done son!! his sets don't seem to change as much depending on times as they used to!!
i heard lashes play in the funky room at sundiss yesterday...well i heard her play one tune then realised i was in the funky room and scarpered back off to hear mr tissera!!
apparently matt is playing with scott bond at tall trees in a couple of weeks. as shit as tall trees is i may be up for that has been a long time since i've seen mr bond.... .....well that's if they turn up!!
Common Tall Trees! I am sorry but all the people that I know go to tall trees are so common that if you saw them down the town you would see them again.
tall trees crowd is basically the ikon crowd cept there's more of them. still i'm debating going coz scott bond is class and i ain't seen him in ages...