harddrive my computer is all fixed and fine now (cheers for previous help) but my old harddrive still has a lot of things on i could do with... unfortunately when i set it as a slave the computer wont recognise it and has trouble starting up + it makes a reet racket so im thinking it is on its way to silicon heaven is there any way of getting the stuff i need off it? can anyone fix it and if so where are the best places to take it... i dont trust my local shop as they robbed me when i took my computer in before. ta!
u could try it in another machine or set it up on ur secondary bus as a master / slave or even try CS on the jumper, just make sure that ur pc boots from the primary master! apart from that m8 theres not much else u can do happy cable swapping!
Re: harddrive Are you setting the jumper to slave, or are you using the cable to select? If you're setting the jumpers, try setting both hd's jumper's to 'cable select' and using the cable to define slave and master. What's it say in the BIOS? Is it recognising either drive? How far is your pc booting up before it's fucking up? (does it get past POST) This is a very slim chance - but could your psu be too weak to power both drives? What wattage is it? Try the fucked hd on another pc as slave, if still no joy you've got a large over-sized shiny coaster.
it didnt recognise it under "second primary slave"... i will try that cs jumper thing later! not sure what wattage it is but its quite a new machine with decent specs so should be ok... with the second hd connected it only got as far as the black windows xp screen on startup cheers guys
*EDIT* he failed to tell you, that he decided to ram a screwdriver into the middle of the fucker last week when it wouldnt work
i beat it with a screw driver... it works with most things [/B][/QUOTE] oh yes m8, thats sooooo much better than shoveing a screwdriver in it, bye bye data, bye bye money, i hope u got satisfaction!!! muppet
wasnt anything important/irreplaceble on it and it was on its last legs... so i got massive satisfaction.