Hard Drive recovery? I've got a hard drive here where the bearings have started to go. Parts of the disk are accessible, however I'm trying to pull information off the areas that are starting to corrupt and it's not working (the files are viewable but not accessible). Its not the end of the world, the machine was backed up about two weeks before but I'd like to get the rest of the work off the disk. Anyone got any ideas or any recovery utilities that would help? I've tried these things before and I've yet to find one that is any use.
the only 1 i've found is something called Virtuallab something or other (it's on download.com) - its the only 1 i could find that would read the whole disk and FAT tables and show deleted/corrupt/lost files AND let u get them off the disk. The only problem is you have to pay to get your data off. if u did a backup a few weeks ago - i'd be happy!
The machine in question is my parents and my sisters use it a lot, I tend just to use mine. I've lost virtually no work but they're asking if there's anyway to retrieve theirs. My mate at teesside reckons I should try experimenting with standing the drive and different angles as this will relieve pressure on the bearings...
it's worth a go - upside down, in therory then, would be best - but i would have thought the bearings would be worn all over... i'm sure there are companies that do it - but it costs big bucks as they strip out the disks and read the manually. apparently.
yeah, thats what he's said, he works at it support at teesside and in the past they've had to strip platters out of disks to recover data, not for the faint hearted worth a go though
forget that - we just give them lectures on ''how u should back up regulary" and leave them crying....