Happy Green Day!!! Today marks 80 years since cannabis was deemed illegal due to it not being known what detrimental effect it had on the health of users. Today, 80 years later, altho no serious health hazard has ever been proven yet its positive effects and uses have continued to increase in number, it remains illegal to posses, use or grow. People all over the country are marking today with marches, picnics etc in their local parks. This will probably have no effect on the government idiots who refuse to listen to their own advisers and are set to increase the classification to a CAT B drug, however it may show the general public that the people who have the pleasure in experiencing cannabis in their lives are not criminals. Check out www.lca-uk.org if your favourite colour is green (or if u just like to get stoned) Happy Smoking!!!! :chill:
Willa, thats the spirit haha!! Theres gatherings and picnics today in Leazes Park in the town and Swalwell Park in Gateshead. If ya goin down, wear green
I think i'm green enough off last night. Could be worth a venture out this, sounds like a perfect sunday.
green helped me stay up til 10am - nice drive from whitley bay to stanley in the morining happy days:chill: