Thank you people for your kind messages. My birthday was going to be a disaster, but things are looking up. At two on Friday morning I was admitted to hospital with a burst tonsil. This happened as I had mild tonsilitis and with couging so much, my tonsil bled, causing a huge blood clot. Anyway, the surgery was performed in front of me and the clot was something to behold. About the size of a slug and totally minging. Anyway, I was kept in over night, and the specialist wanted to keep me in over Friday night too (hence, missing some of my birthday). I swiftly discharged myself, and got pissed on two glasses of champaigne last night (due to the anit-biotics), so it's not all bad - I will be having a cheap night tonight! Also got two weeks off uni. Anyway, am at GK tonight, (even though I've been warned to stay clear of large crowds) so may see some people there. Kyle
happy birthday mate have a gud one tonight, sorry i cudnt be out for it tho, been skint since lab4 glad your ok from your tonsolitis, it sounded terrible man