HABIT Promo Video Check out our new promo video - featuring exclusive live Habit footage from the last 12 months at the Cosmic Ballroom. Massive thanks to Scott Coulter for all of his help. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I57LlLMYnfo"]YouTube- Habit Promo 08[/ame]
Good stuff, scott is getting really good at video making* * this opinion is subject to change if he has any hideous footage of me from last night
Gib its a cut up version I did for the video of a track that never officially got released. The bootleg was done by Radio Slave back in 2004 that he did under his Rekid moniker: Rekid - Red Light, Green Light Its a Snoop Doggy Dogg bootleg.
Loving the video like Coulter. Wicked effort man Well programmed music by the Scud aswell. hes not just an Alaskan crab fisherman after all