gym nasty - do something [push it] support from gary h [gaydar radio] - Love it... Original works best for me, really tight production and builds into quite a monster! ale [slok magma] - Digital Monkey Mix1: Rocks! james wilson [climax recordings] - it's the Digital Monkey Mix for me. Love the techy groove and the overall floaty feel to it, in a Trentemoller / Pryda style. Good work. luis diaz [miami's resident golden child] - digital monkey mix - 8/10 very good. nice one! steve linney - 7/10 - nice production ron levy [shylock] - dm's eliptropic mix - 7/10 - nice cut...well-produced funky, driving tech... kevin shiu [tokyo] - original mix - This is a nice electro house,funky and will work the floor,I like the little bit of break beat in the middle. Thank you and keep up the good work.